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  • How long do I need to wait to have sex after using abortion pills?

    You can have sex whenever you want after having an abortion. If you are still bleeding from the abortion it is best if you can use a condom to reduce the chance of getting an infection.

  • Will I be able to get pregnant after an abortion?

    A safe abortion will not decrease your fertility. Many women successfully get pregnant after having an abortion.

  • Will I need a dilation and curettage (D&C) after using abortion pills?

    If abortion pills successfully terminated the pregnancy most women will not need to use any extra medication, nor have any surgical procedure afterwards.

  • What happens if I am still pregnant after using abortion pills?

    If abortion pills did not terminate your pregnancy, you can try again or have a surgical abortion if this procedure is available where you live. To use abortion pills again it is recommended to wait 48 hours since the last time you used the pills.

  • How many days should I rest after using abortion pills?

    Resting during a medical abortion is not mandatory, although it is recommended for you to be more comfortable.

  • Can I breastfeed while using abortion pills?

    It is perfectly safe for you and your baby to continue breastfeeding while using abortion pills. Mifepristone and/or Misoprostol will not cause any side effects or harm in your baby and breastfeeding will not decrease the efficacy of the abortion.

  • Do I need to use antibiotics during the abortion?

    It is not mandatory, nor necessary to use antibiotics during a medical abortion. Some people recommend using antibiotics to prevent infections after using abortion pills.

  • Can I eat during the procedure?

    You can eat and drink normally during the medical abortion. The only time it is not recommended to eat or drink is the 30 minutes while you have Misoprostol pills in your mouth. This is to avoid swallowing the pills by mistake.

  • Can I swallow the abortion pills?

    The only effective way to use Mifepristone is by swallowing it. Misoprostol can be used effectively in 3 different ways:
    Sublingual – Misoprostol pills should be placed under your tongue for 30 minutes. During that time the pills will be absorbed. Afterwards, you can swallow with water any remains of the pills.
    Buccal – Misoprostol pills should be placed between your gums and cheeks for 30 minutes. During that time the pills will be absorbed. Afterwards, you can swallow with water any remains of the pills.
    Vaginal – Misoprostol pills should be placed inside your vagina and remain there for 30 minutes. The pills are usually absorbed, but sometimes the pills come out of the vagina during the process. Also, sometimes Misoprostol can leave traces that can be visible for health staff if you need medical care.

  • Will I need a doctor’s prescription to buy abortion pills?

    If you want to buy abortion pills in a pharmacy you may or may not need a doctor’s prescription. This will depend on the regulations where you live.

  • What are the risks associated with abortion pills?

    The most common risks are hemorrhage (excessive bleeding) or infection. If you get medical care on time, a hemorrhage or an infection can be treated easily in most health centers.

  • What is the difference between a miscarriage and an abortion?

    A miscarriage is a natural or spontaneous termination of a pregnancy, meaning the body expels the pregnancy on its own without the aid of medicine or a surgical procedure. An abortion occurs when a procedure is done with the purpose of ending a pregnancy. With that said, the symptoms of a miscarriage and the symptoms of an abortion with pills are the same.

  • How to abort with the abortion pills?

    here are options for medical abortion. The ways are effective:

    You can use either Mifepristone combined with Misoprostol

    How to use Mifepristone and Misoprostol ?

    If you have in your possession both Mifepristone and Misoprostol:

    • Take 1 dose of Mifepristone (200mg) with water
    • Wait 24 hours (minimum) to 48 hours (maximum). While waiting, you can act normally as you would in your everyday life.
    • Place 4 pills of Misoprostol (200mcg each) under your tongue. Hold them for 30 minutes, without drinking or eating; after 30minutes, you can rinse your mouth with water and drink something. If you vomit during the 30 minutes that the misoprostol pills are under your tongue, it is likely they will not work. In this case, it is necessary to immediately repeat this step.  
    • You should begin bleeding within 3 hours after using the 4 misoprostol pills. The bleeding should be similar to or heavier than your normal menstrual period. It means that abortion is working. 
    • If you are 9-11 weeks pregnant or had little or no bleeding after 3 hours, repeat the previous step. If you still experience no bleeding after that,

    When can I take the abortion pill?

    Researches indicate that the abortion pill is recommended to be taken prior to 10 weeks of pregnancy (since your last menstruations). You can calculate how far along you are thanks to a pregnancy calculator.   

    If you are pregnant for more than 10 weeks, you might consider another safe abortion method called Manual Vacuum Aspiration.

    Where can I get the abortion pill and how much does it cost?

    You can get the abortion pill from our website .All Abortion pills are FDA Approved & Low cost

  • Q. What are the privacy policies?

    Ans: Our transactions with the customers are secured and private. Our online system uses upgraded security encryption technology for zero data leak. So rest assured that your details are confidential and properly protected.

  • Q.What are the Payment modes?

    Ans: We accept Zelle Pay Cashapp pay & Venmo Pay and PayPal

  • Q. Which method of consumption of Medical abortion pill is the safest? Oral or Vaginal?

    Ans: It has been diagnosed that consumption of 2 pills orally, the second within 24-48 hours of the first cuts down the bacterial infection which actually resulted from vaginal consumption. Vaginal consumption in some cases has caused infection and hence oral administration is recommended at first level.

  • Q. What are the side effects of abortion pills?

    Ans: Abortion pills are FDA approved and one need not worry about any type of side-effects.

  • Q. How effective are the abortion pills?

    Ans: Women Care Shop is considered the most effective consumption pill. The success rate of abortion pills is nearly 99.99 %

  • Q. Who can have abortion pills?

    Ans: For consumption of abortion pills, a person should be with less than 9 weeks of pregnancy period.

  • Q. What are the cancellation policies?

    Ans: 1) Once the payment is done your order can neither be cancelled nor be refunded.

    2) Tracking Number will be sent within 24 to 48 hours.

    3) Do not make payment through eCheck since it takes additional 8 business days to clear & it takes a total of 25 business days to deliver the product hence if you want us to ship your orders on priority then don’t make payment to PayPal through eCheck.

  • Q. What if I can’t find solution for my query?

    Ans: In such cases, kindly contact our customer support for any queries. We have customer support executives who can be of your help.

  • Q. What is Generic?

    Ans: Generic means usage of different name with same ingredients? There is no brand quality differences as the contents in the pill are absolutely the same in branded versions and generic versions.